
Markups Updates

Sep 18, 2024
Press Release

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Markup of 16 Bills

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Full Committee markup of 16 bills.    “We’re continuing this Committee’s mission to make life better for the American people—and future generations—by taking action on legislation from across several of our subcommittees.”  REPEALING HARMFUL MANDATES “We will consider three Congressional Review Act resolutions to rein in harmful regulations that are shutting down affordable, reliable energy and driving up costs for the American people.   “Energy is foundational to everything, and America needs more energy—not less. Rep. Balderson’s resolution is critical to achieving that by repealing the EPA’s plan to shutter American power plants and slash baseload energy. “Additionally, Rep. Allen’s resolution will overturn the administration’s harmful PM2.5 standard, which poses a major threat to America’s economic future by making it nearly impossible to build and manufacture goods in the U.S. “This will crush good-paying jobs, devastate communities, and further cede America’s economic leadership to countries like China. “We should be making it easier—not harder—to expand manufacturing in the U.S. “And lastly, Rep. Fulcher’s resolution will halt the EPA’s proposed rule for heavy-duty vehicle emission standards—a rule that will not only drive up costs across the board, but also threaten the security of our supply chains. “I thank the sponsors for their leadership on these bills.” IMPROVING AMERICANS’ HEALTH AND WELL-BEING “Today, we will also continue to build on our efforts throughout this Congress to improve the health of the American people and foster medical innovation and research in a bipartisan manner. “We will consider legislation led by Rep. Carter to extend telehealth flexibilities for seniors in Medicare in a fiscally responsible manner. “Additionally, we’ll advance bipartisan legislation to help speed up the process for getting treatments to children with cancer and other rare diseases. We’ve worked hard for a bill that will get broad, bipartisan support today. “We will move forward on legislation to enhance access to care for seniors and those with disabilities, including a bill to expand the Medicaid buy-in program for working seniors with disabilities, which will include a provision to pilot new tools for states to provide better home and community-based services to people with disabilities. “Yet another bill we will consider will ensure access to care for active-duty military families who risk losing access to key services when they travel to serve our country. “Finally, we will move forward legislation that will provide more information for those with disabilities and their families. “I want to thank all of the Members who worked hard to get these bills one step closer to becoming law.” PROTECTING KIDS ONLINE “Next, we will join together in a bipartisan way on behalf of the millions of parents, grandparents, and kids across the country to say enough is enough. “The Children and Teen’s Online Privacy Protection Act , COPPA, provides important updates to a law that was first passed more than 26 years ago and addresses the realities and threats facing kids and teens online in the modern internet ecosystem. “I’d like to thank Reps. Walberg and Castor, and Senators Markey and Cassidy, for all of their hard work in championing this legislation. “We will also consider the Kids Online Safety Act , which will provide both kids and parents the tools they need to better protect against serious online threats to children’s health and emotional well-being. “I’d like to thank Subcommittee Chair Bilirakis and Reps. Kathy Castor, Erin Houchin, and Kim Schrier for their leadership on this legislation. “These bills are two important pieces to begin ushering in a new era on the internet, one that is defined by accountability and safety. “Lastly, we will be considering the A.M. Radio for Every Vehicle Act , led by Subcommittee Chair Bilirakis and Full Committee Ranking Member Pallone. “This legislation will preserve this key resource that millions of Americans rely on for critical information, especially during public emergencies. “I did want to mention one bill that we will not be considering today, the REPAIR Act led by Dr. Dunn. I want to recognize the hard work that he, his staff, and numerous stakeholders have done since the bill was considered in the IDC subcommittee last October. “While we aren’t marking it up today, a lot of progress has been made, and I would encourage members and stakeholders to keep working together to find a path forward on this important piece of legislation. “In the nearly 230-year history of this Committee, we have established a rich tradition of taking on the hard problems and delivering solutions for the American people. “Today we will continue to build on that record of success. “I urge my colleagues to join me in supporting all of the legislation being considered today.”

Sep 16, 2024

Chairs Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 16 Bills

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) today announced a Full Committee Markup of 16 bills.  “The Energy and Commerce Committee is continuing its work to deliver solutions and make life better for the American people. At this week’s markup, we will consider more than a dozen bills, including legislation to repeal harmful regulations that are jeopardizing America’s economic and energy security, extend telehealth services for seniors, and continue to incentivize important innovation for pediatric rare diseases,” said Chair Rodgers. “We will also consider legislation to provide the most significant protections and safeguards to date for children online. The Kids Online Safety Act and the Children and Teens' Online Privacy Protection Act are historic pieces of legislation that finally answer the call of parents across the country who are desperately looking for Congress to act to shield our children from the threats they are facing online. I look forward to taking the next steps in getting these critical pieces of legislation signed into law and ushering in a new era on the internet.”  WHAT: A Full Committee Markup of 16 bills.  DATE: Wednesday, September 18, 2024  TIME: 10:00 AM ET LOCATION: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building Legislation to be considered:   H.R. 670 , Think Differently Database Act (Reps. Molinaro and Sherrill)  H.R. 8107 , Ensuring Access to Medicaid Buy-in Programs Act of 2024 (Reps. Ciscomani and Gluesenkamp Perez)  H.R. 8108 , To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to add a Medicaid State plan requirement with respect to the determination of residency of certain individuals serving in the Armed Forces (Reps. Kiggans and Kaptur)  H.R. 3433 , Give Kids a Chance Act of 2024 (Reps. McCaul and Eshoo)  H.R. 7188 , Shandra Eisenga Human Cell and Tissue Product Safety Act (Reps. Moolenaar and Dingell)  H.R. 7623 , Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 (Reps. Carter, Blunt Rochester, Steube, Sewell, Miller-Meeks, Dingell, Van Drew, and Morelle)  H.R. 3227 , Ensuring Seniors’ Access to Quality Care Act (Reps. Estes and Connolly)  H.R. 9067 , Building America’s Health Care Workforce Act (Rep. Guthrie) H.R. 7155 , United States-Abraham Accords Cooperation and Security Act of 2024 (Reps. Harshbarger, Vargas, Weber, Peters, Harris, Levin, and Allen)  H.J. Res. 139 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Centers for Medicare & Medicaid Services relating to "Medicare and Medicaid Programs: Minimum Staffing Standards for Long-Term Care Facilities and Medicaid Institutional Payment Transparency Reporting” (Reps. Fischbach and Pence)  H.R. 7890 , Children and Teens’ Online Privacy Protection Act (Reps. Walberg, Bucshon, Carter, Dunn, Eshoo, Castor, Moulton, and Auchincloss)  H.R. 7891 , Kids Online Safety Act (Reps. Bilirakis, Bucshon, Castor, Houchin, and Schrier)  H.R. 8449 , AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act (Reps. Bilirakis and Pallone)  H.J.Res. 163 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule” (Rep. Balderson)  H.J.Res. 133 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3" (Rep. Fulcher)  H.J.Res. 117 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to "Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter" (Rep. Allen) This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at . If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Alex Khlopin at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Christopher Krepich at and Kate Roberts at .

Jul 11, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Statement at Full Committee Business Meeting

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Full Committee Business Meeting to approve the transfer of the official classified transcript from the March 7, 2024, executive session titled “Legislation to Protect American Data and National Security from Foreign Adversaries” to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in accordance with House Rules. “Good morning and welcome to today’s Committee business meeting. “The action we are taking is significant to preserving this Committee’s hard work to protect the American people and our national security.” THE THREAT POSED BY THE CCP “Foreign adversaries, like the Chinese Communist Party, pose the greatest national security threat of our time. “Our adversaries are actively working to undermine America’s global leadership. “It has been a bipartisan priority for this Congress and this Committee to take action to counter that threat. “The Energy and Commerce Committee led on the most significant effort to date to do that, passing H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act , which has been signed into law. “Our efforts began on March 23, 2023, when the Committee held a hearing with the CEO of TikTok—his first appearance before Congress—to understand the risks posed by this CCP-controlled app. “That hearing further confirmed our greatest fears—that the CCP is weaponizing applications, like TikTok, against the American people. “Nearly a year later, on March 7, 2024, the Committee held a legislative hearing titled 'Legislation to Protect American Data and National Security from Foreign Adversaries.' “At that hearing, we heard from the intelligence community about the dangers posed by applications, like TikTok, that are controlled by foreign adversaries who are determined to exploit and weaponize Americans’ data and the importance of Congress taking action to defend the American people against this threat. “H.R 7521 gave TikTok a simple choice: divest from your parent company, which is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party, and remain operational in the United States or side with the CCP and face a ban. “Since then, the CCP has made it clear that it has no intention of giving up control over applications, like TikTok, further solidifying that the CCP is using these applications in nefarious ways against the American people.” TAKING ACTION TO PROTECT THE AMERICAN PEOPLE “Rather than divest, TikTok has filed suit against the United States to try and undermine the law this Committee passed. “I am confident this legislation will withstand legal scrutiny. “In June, this Committee received a formal request from the DOJ to receive a copy of the executive session transcript from our March 2024 hearing to assist in their litigation. “According to rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee must vote to release evidence or testimony taken in executive session. “We will vote to do that this morning and in doing so, will continue our efforts to protect the American people from foreign adversaries. “Companies controlled by a foreign adversary, like the CCP, will never embrace American values, virtues of our society and culture like freedom of speech, human rights, the rule of law, a free press, and others. “Our adversaries choose to rule through fear and control. “If given the choice, they will always choose the path for more control, more surveillance, and more manipulation. “This foreign interference and manipulation is not welcome here and we will do whatever it takes to stop it.”

Jun 25, 2024

Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 11 Bills

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) today announced a Full Committee markup of 11 bills this Thursday, June 27.  “The Energy and Commerce Committee is continuing to deliver solutions for the American people. At this week’s markup, we will consider nearly a dozen bills, including legislation to establish a national data privacy and security standard for Americans, protect kids online, extend telehealth services for seniors, continue to incentivize important innovation for pediatric rare diseases, and repeal harmful regulations that are jeopardizing America’s economic and energy security, ” said Chair Rodgers. WHAT: A Full Committee markup of 11 bills. DATE: Thursday, June 27, 2024 TIME: 10:00 AM ET LOCATION: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building LEGISLATION TO BE CONSIDERED: H.R. 7188 , Shandra Eisenga Human Cell and Tissue Product Safety Act (Reps. Moolenaar and Dingell)  H.R. 3433 , Give Kids a Chance Act of 2024 (Reps. McCaul and Eshoo)  H.R. 670 , Think Differently Database Act (Reps. Molinaro and Sherrill)  H.R. 7623 , Telehealth Modernization Act of 2024 (Reps. Carter and Blunt Rochester)  H.J.Res. 163 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “New Source Performance Standards for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From New, Modified, and Reconstructed Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; Emission Guidelines for Greenhouse Gas Emissions From Existing Fossil Fuel-Fired Electric Generating Units; and Repeal of the Affordable Clean Energy Rule” (Rep. Balderson)  H.J.Res. 136 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “Multi-Pollutant Emissions Standards for Model Years 2027 and Later Light-Duty and Medium-Duty Vehicles” (Rep. James)  H.J.Res. 133 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “Greenhouse Gas Emissions Standards for Heavy-Duty Vehicles-Phase 3” (Rep. Fulcher)  H.J.Res. 117 , Providing for congressional disapproval under chapter 8 of title 5, United States Code, of the rule submitted by the Environmental Protection Agency relating to “Reconsideration of the National Ambient Air Quality Standards for Particulate Matter” (Rep. Allen)  H.R. 8818 , American Privacy Rights Act of 2024 (Reps. Rodgers, Pallone, Bilirakis, and Schakowsky)  H.R. 7891 , Kids Online Safety Act (Reps. Bilirakis, Bucshon, Castor, Houchin, and Schrier)  H.R. 8449 , AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act (Reps. Bilirakis and Pallone) This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at . If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Alex Khlopin with the Committee staff at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Sean Kelly at and Christopher Krepich at

Jun 12, 2024

Full Committee Markup Recap: E&C Advances 13 Health Related Bills to the Full House

The Energy and Commerce Committee today advanced 13 health related bills to the full House to improve the health and wellbeing of the American people. Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) said: “I want to thank all of the members for their hard work on these bills and taking the time necessary to get the policy right and move policies in a fiscally responsible way […] I am proud of all that we have, and continue, to accomplish working together.” Legislative Vote Summary:   H.R. 6020 , Honor Our Living Donors Act, led by Reps. Obernolte and DelBene, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 455 , To amend the Controlled Substances Act to fix a technical error in the definitions, led by Reps. Burchett and Cohen, has been agreed to, without amendment, by a roll call vote of 44 Yeas to 0 Nays. H.R. 4534 , Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventative Services Act of 2023, led by Reps. Boyle and Fitzpatrick, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 44 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 5012 , Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act of 202, led by Reps. Y. Kim and Castor, has been agreed to, without amendment, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 7213 , Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2024, led by Reps. C. Smith and Cuellar, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8084 , LIVE Beneficiaries Act, led by Reps. Bilirakis and Craig, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 46 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8089 , Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act of 2024, led by Reps. M. Garcia and Peters, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8111 , To amend the title XIX of the Social Security Act to ensure the reliability of address information provided under the Medicaid program, led by Reps. Miller-Meeks and Cartwright, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 46 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 8112 , To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to further require certain additional provider screening under the Medicaid program, led by Rep. D’Esposito, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 45 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 4758 , Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act, led by Reps. Trahan and Miller-Meeks, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 42 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 5526 , Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act , led by Reps. Harshbarger and Wasserman Schultz, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 41 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 6033 , Supporting Patient Education and Knowledge (SPEAK) Act of 2023, led by Reps. Steel and Gomez, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 40 Yeas to 0 Nays.  H.R. 7858 , Telehealth Enhancement for Mental Health Act of 2024, led by Reps. James and D.G. Davis, has been agreed to, as amended, by a roll call vote of 40 Yeas to 0 Nays.

Jun 12, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Full Committee Markup of 13 Health Bills

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Full Committee markup of 13 bills.  “Today the Committee on Energy and Commerce is taking action on 13 bipartisan bills from the health subcommittee to improve the health and wellbeing of the American people. “It is also Mr. James’s first full committee markup. I know he’s hit the ground running on our committee and has a bill on the agenda today. I’m thankful for his contributions.” SUPPORTING MOTHERS AND CHILDREN “A number of bills today continue the important work of the committee to support moms and children.   “For example, the Accelerating Kids Access to Care Act will make it easier for children enrolled in Medicaid to get the important specialty care they need.   “Dr. Miller Meeks has been a leader on this legislation, and we heard testimony from Iowa Children’s Hospital of the needless and detrimental delays in care due to red tape.   “This bill is even more important now with exciting innovation in cell and gene therapies that could cure children with sickle cell and other rare diseases, but potentially require children to travel across the country.   “Next is the SHINE for Autumn Act, which passed this committee and the House floor overwhelmingly last Congress.  “This is the second piece of legislation we’ve moved to help prevent the heartbreaking tragedy of still birth.   “I want to share a special thanks to Debbie Haine, who is in the audience today, for her steadfast support and dedication to raising awareness on stillbirths for over a decade.   “This bill is named after her daughter Autumn Joy, who was born still on July 8, 2011. We are honored to remember Autumm today and thank Debbie for her tireless advocacy.  “In addition, my friend, Representative Chris Smith, has for decades led the effort for more research into autism, and the best ways to support the entire population of individuals with autism and their families.   “The latest reauthorization of the Autism CARES Act, which I am proud to support today, continues important HHS wide programs to further those goals.   “We will also move Representative Obernolte’s HOLD Act forward, to further support living organ donors who give the miraculous gift of life to patients in need.  “And while not included on today's agenda, reauthorizing the pediatric rare disease priority review voucher program at FDA ahead of its September 30th expiration remains a top priority.  “Patients with rare diseases and their families continue to push for action, and by continuing to work together, we can pass it out of this committee with broad bipartisan support.”  IMPROVING MEDICAID PROGRAM INTEGRITY   “We are also voting on four bills to improve program integrity in Medicaid.  “Bills from Representatives Bilirakis, Miller-Meeks, D’Esposito, and Garcia will all reduce the rate of improper payments by ensuring that only current, living beneficiaries are enrolled in Medicaid and only legitimate providers participate in the program.  “Bills that require timely disenrolling of deceased beneficiaries from Medicaid may seem obvious, but the Office of the Inspector General continues to find it is an issue.   “I’m glad these members have prioritized being good stewards of Medicaid funds.”  STRENGTHENING TELEHEALTH & SENIOR ACCESS TO CARE    “And finally, I want to highlight the work the Committee continues to do to help seniors access health care.   “This committee led on site neutral reforms as part of the Lower Cost, More Transparency Act to make sure that seniors paid the same out of their own pocket for drug administration, regardless of whether it was administered in a hospital or at a doctor’s office.  “During COVID-19, seniors were able to get specialty medications directly from their oncologist, but that is no longer the case.   “Ms. Harshbarger's legislation will re-establish this option for seniors for another five years.  “And we will continue work to improve access to telehealth in Medicare.   “Mr. James’s legislation will ensure program integrity measures are in place so we can more effectively see how telehealth is working for patients on Medicare.  “Ms. Steele’s legislation will make telehealth more accessible for patients with limited English proficiency.   “I'll note that Members and our staff continue to work on a fully paid for package to extend telehealth flexibilities for seniors and include additional priorities on diabetic and cardiac care. “I am optimistic we will be able to move that package before the August recess and well before those authorities expire at the end of the year. “I want to thank all of the members for their hard work on these bills and taking the time necessary to get the policy right and move policies in a fiscally responsible way. “All the legislation today that increases spending in Medicare or Medicaid is offset with reductions in Medicare or Medicaid spending. “I am proud of all that we have, and continue, to accomplish working together.” 

Jun 10, 2024
Press Release

Chair Rodgers Announces Full Committee Markup of 13 Health Bills

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) today announced a full committee markup this week of 13 Health bills. “This week, the Energy and Commerce Committee will continue advancing smart, bipartisan policies that deliver solutions for the American people. The legislation we will consider builds upon the successes this Committee has led on this Congress to increase access to care, address waste, fraud, and abuse, and help make care more affordable,” said Chair Rodgers. “I thank all of the Members on both sides of the aisle for their hard work and leadership on these bills, and I look forward to advancing them to the full House later this week.”  WHAT: A Full Committee markup of 13 bills.   DATE: Wednesday, June 12, 2024    TIME: 10:00 AM ET LOCATION: 2123 Rayburn House Office Building   LEGISLATION TO BE CONSIDERED:     H.R. 6020 , Honor Our Living Donors Act (Reps. Obernolte and DelBene)   H.R. 455 , To amend the Controlled Substances Act to fix a technical error in the definitions (Reps. Burchett and Cohen)   H.R. 4534 , Women and Lung Cancer Research and Preventive Services Act of 2023 (Reps. Boyle and Fitzpatrick)   H.R. 5012 , Stillbirth Health Improvement and Education (SHINE) for Autumn Act of 2023 (Reps. Y. Kim and Castor)   H.R. 7213 , Autism Collaboration, Accountability, Research, Education, and Support (CARES) Act of 2024 (Reps. C. Smith and Cuellar)   H.R. 8084 , LIVE Beneficiaries Act (Reps. Bilirakis and Craig)   H.R. 8089 , Medicare and Medicaid Fraud Prevention Act of 2024 (Reps. Garcia and Peters)   H.R. 8111 , To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to ensure the reliability of address information provided under the Medicaid program (Reps. Miller-Meeks and Cartwright)   H.R. 8112 , To amend title XIX of the Social Security Act to further require certain additional provider screening under the Medicaid program (Rep. D’Esposito)   H.R. 4758 , Accelerating Kids’ Access to Care Act (Reps. Trahan and Miller-Meeks)   H.R. 5526 , Seniors’ Access to Critical Medications Act (Reps. Harshbarger and Wasserman Schultz)   H.R. 6033 , Supporting Patient Education And Knowledge (SPEAK) Act of 2023 (Reps. Steel and Gomez)   H.R. 7858 , Telehealth Enhancement for Mental Health Act of 2024 (Reps. James and D.G. Davis)     This notice is at the direction of the Chair. The hearing will be open to the public and press and will be live streamed online at . If you have any questions concerning the hearing, please contact Emma Schultheis with the Committee staff at . If you have any press-related questions, please contact Christopher Krepich at .

May 23, 2024

Chair Rodgers Opening Remarks at Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee Markup of 3 Legislative Proposals

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Innovation, Data, and Commerce Subcommittee markup of three legislative proposals:  “Our personal identity is at the very core of what makes us human.   “It drives us to achieve the impossible and inspires us to pursue our goals and dreams. The ability to express our individual identity helps define who we are and deepen ties to our families and our communities.  “Encouraging individualism and identity is something that’s uniquely American, something the founders envisioned and fought for—a society that’s fiercely individual, where people are free to think, speak, and live their lives the way they want.   “Many believed that the internet could empower the individual even more by creating new ways for people and businesses to connect, innovate, and share information. “Unfortunately, trust has been broken.  “Instead, over time our identity has been slowly eroded our identity, freedom to think for ourselves manipulated, and Big Tech is capturing more and more data to surveil and control over our lives.   “Americans should be in control of how that information is disclosed, and it should be voluntary, not coerced.   “If the founders were here today, they would know, as we know, that this digital tyranny is not the American Dream.”  AMERICAN PRIVACY RIGHTS ACT   “The American Privacy Rights Act is an opportunity for a reset, one that can help return us to the American Dream our Founders envisioned.   “It gives people the right to control their personal information online, something the American people overwhelmingly want. They’re tired of having their personal information abused for profit.   “Right now, a person’s location, for instance, can be shared without their knowledge or permission by apps on their phone.  “This bill stops those apps from sharing or selling this data without permission.  “If a person searches the internet about something personal or something they want kept private that information could be tracked with hidden pixels and shared without them knowing about it.  “This bill keeps people's search history private.  “If someone buys a pair of shoes online, they almost instantly are bombarded with ads across the platforms they use.  “The American Privacy Rights Act gives the power back to the people by equipping them with the knowledge of how their data is being used to monetize, manipulate, and exploit them.” PROTECTING KIDS ONLINE   “This legislation is so important, and it is especially foundational for protecting kids online.  “The average American teenager spends 4.8 hours a day scrolling social media platforms. “I’m a mom. I have three young kids. I’ve said it before, and I’ll say it again. It’s my biggest fear: what’s going to happen online with my kids, because I don’t trust what’s happening at all. “As our kids scroll, companies collect nearly every data point imaginable to build profiles on them and keep them addicted.   “They intentionally target children with dangerous and life-threatening content.   “At our hearing last month, we heard from a young woman, Ava, who shared how Big Tech weaponized her data, collecting this arsenal of data and exploited her vulnerabilities.  “Ava’s story is just one of countless we’ve heard from kids, young adults, and families across the country.  “This legislation gets to the root cause of these problems by minimizing the collection and exploitation of our data.   “It serves as a strong foundation from which to layer on other important policies to protect kids online, like the Kids Online Safety Act, which I’m excited we’re also considering today.  “This draft includes key provisions from the Children Online Privacy Protection Act.  “I’d like to thank Reps. Walberg, Castor, and Senators Markey and Cassidy, for working with us.”  HELPING SMALL BUSINESSES AND ENTREPRENEURS THRIVE   “We can achieve stronger protections for people while also continuing to encourage innovation and entrepreneurship.   “18 states now have comprehensive data privacy laws, which means 18 different sets of rules that growing small businesses and startups are forced to navigate.   “Ensuring compliance is costly.  “Just last week, I had a company tell me they may be forced to pull out of certain states because they simply cannot comply with these conflicting standards.  “Our bill would end this patchwork.  “Today, we’ll also be marking up H.R. 8449, the A.M. Radio for Every Vehicle Act, led by Reps. Bilirakis and Pallone.  “Millions across the country rely on AM radio for critical information, especially during public emergencies. “It’s vital we preserve this resource for Americans. “In the nearly 230-year history of this Committee, we have established a rich tradition of taking on the hard problems and delivering solutions for the people. “We have a moment to change the status quo and reset what our online ecosystem looks like.   “The American Privacy Rights Act is a common sense, bipartisan, bicameral proposal. “I’m grateful for Senator Cantwell for working with me on this landmark legislation, as well as Ranking Member Pallone, who has been a trusted partner over the years as we have worked together on privacy and worked to improve this current draft.  “As John Dingell has been known to say, there hasn’t been a perfect law since Moses came down from the mountain.  “I urge my colleagues to advance the legislation today and I look forward to continuing working with all members and stakeholders to further perfect it before the full committee markup.” 

May 23, 2024
Press Release

Subcommittee Chair Bilirakis Opening Remarks at IDC Markup

Washington, D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Subcommittee on Innovation, Data, and Commerce Chair Gus Bilirakis (R-FL) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s subcommittee markup of three bills:  As prepared for delivery: “Good morning, and welcome to today’s Subcommittee markup where we will consider three significant Subcommittee priority pieces of legislation to protect Americans’ data privacy rights, protect kids online, and preserve access to AM radio. “I want to thank all the Subcommittee members for their input and feedback on these topics, and I am looking forward to continuing productive conversations in a bipartisan manner to refine these bills as we move through the legislative process.  “We have a historic opportunity to advance legislation that will end the patchwork and finally provide a federal standard to govern how Americans’ personal information is collected, stored, retained, and transferred.  “The American Privacy Rights Act is the strongest consumer data privacy and security framework to date—it provides businesses with certainty through a national preemptive standard, secures individual liberties through strong data minimization provisions, and cements America’s global leadership through data security provisions that warn consumers when their information is being collected and shared with our foreign adversaries, like China and Russia.“  YEARS OF CONGRESSIONAL EFFORT  “For years, Congress has long tried to thread the needle when it comes to getting a national data privacy bill enacted into law, given the many differences in approach from both sides of the political spectrum.  “I want to applaud Chair Rodgers and Chair Cantwell for their tireless efforts to move forward with a framework that strikes this critical balance, as well as all the members on both sides of the aisle that have provisions included in the draft before us today.  “I understand many stakeholders have continued to engage with every office on their requests, and I look forward to hearing from my colleagues about how we can continue to incorporate that feedback.  “I’m thankful for all the constructive comments we’ve received up to this point.  “This is certainly not the last opportunity to deliberate and refine this draft further. “But time is of the essence, so let’s continue to move this process forward to protect Americans privacy rights, promote individual freedoms and civil liberties, and secure data from abuse by bad actors.”  KOSA  “In addition to APRA, I’m proud that we are also considering my bill, H.R. 7891, the Kids Online Safety Act.  “I’m thankful to Rep. Castor for her partnership on this effort, as well as the many colleagues on this Subcommittee who’ve cosponsored our legislation.  Sadly, in the face of an unprecedented youth mental health crisis in this nation, Big Tech has continued to turn a blind eye to harms perpetuated on their online platforms.   “Congress has been forced to step in to ensure children and parents have the safeguards, tools, and transparency measures they need to stay safe.   “KOSA requires the prevention and mitigation of harms to minors, such as the promotion of suicide, depression, substance abuse, sexual exploitation, and illegal drug sales such as fentanyl.  “Too often we’ve seen the design features of social media fuel these problems, rather than prevent them.  “This legislation is not perfect, and I’m hopeful conversations today can illuminate how we can better establish needed protections for children.”  PRESERVING AM RADIO  “Lastly, the Subcommittee will be taking a bipartisan bill I’m leading with Ranking Member Pallone, the AM Radio for Every Vehicle Act .  “At our legislative hearing, we heard from our witnesses about the importance of having a robust emergency alert and public safety communications infrastructure.  “Further, rural and underserved Americans still enjoy listening to AM radio broadcasts for their diverse viewpoints.   “Given AM radio’s significant reach as a medium, much of it taking place in vehicles, we must ensure it remains a readily available option for all Americans, particularly as we approach hurricane season.   “I’m proud to partner with Ranking Member Pallone on this initiative and look forward to advancing it through Subcommittee today.  “In closing, I look forward to working with all my colleagues on both sides of the aisle today to get these critical bills across the finish line."