Chair Rodgers Opening Statement at Full Committee Business Meeting

Washington D.C. — House Energy and Commerce Committee Chair Cathy McMorris Rodgers (R-WA) delivered the following opening remarks at today’s Full Committee Business Meeting to approve the transfer of the official classified transcript from the March 7, 2024, executive session titled “Legislation to Protect American Data and National Security from Foreign Adversaries” to the Department of Justice (DOJ) in accordance with House Rules.

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“Good morning and welcome to today’s Committee business meeting.

“The action we are taking is significant to preserving this Committee’s hard work to protect the American people and our national security.”


“Foreign adversaries, like the Chinese Communist Party, pose the greatest national security threat of our time.

“Our adversaries are actively working to undermine America’s global leadership.

“It has been a bipartisan priority for this Congress and this Committee to take action to counter that threat.

“The Energy and Commerce Committee led on the most significant effort to date to do that, passing H.R. 7521, the Protecting Americans from Foreign Adversary Controlled Applications Act, which has been signed into law.

“Our efforts began on March 23, 2023, when the Committee held a hearing with the CEO of TikTok—his first appearance before Congress—to understand the risks posed by this CCP-controlled app.

“That hearing further confirmed our greatest fears—that the CCP is weaponizing applications, like TikTok, against the American people.

“Nearly a year later, on March 7, 2024, the Committee held a legislative hearing titled 'Legislation to Protect American Data and National Security from Foreign Adversaries.'

“At that hearing, we heard from the intelligence community about the dangers posed by applications, like TikTok, that are controlled by foreign adversaries who are determined to exploit and weaponize Americans’ data and the importance of Congress taking action to defend the American people against this threat.

“H.R 7521 gave TikTok a simple choice: divest from your parent company, which is beholden to the Chinese Communist Party, and remain operational in the United States or side with the CCP and face a ban.

“Since then, the CCP has made it clear that it has no intention of giving up control over applications, like TikTok, further solidifying that the CCP is using these applications in nefarious ways against the American people.”


“Rather than divest, TikTok has filed suit against the United States to try and undermine the law this Committee passed.

“I am confident this legislation will withstand legal scrutiny.

“In June, this Committee received a formal request from the DOJ to receive a copy of the executive session transcript from our March 2024 hearing to assist in their litigation.

“According to rules of the House of Representatives, the Committee must vote to release evidence or testimony taken in executive session.

“We will vote to do that this morning and in doing so, will continue our efforts to protect the American people from foreign adversaries.

“Companies controlled by a foreign adversary, like the CCP, will never embrace American values, virtues of our society and culture like freedom of speech, human rights, the rule of law, a free press, and others.

“Our adversaries choose to rule through fear and control.

“If given the choice, they will always choose the path for more control, more surveillance, and more manipulation.

“This foreign interference and manipulation is not welcome here and we will do whatever it takes to stop it.”